Friday, March 31, 2017

Patience is a virtue...and not an easy one!

Image result for waiting to adopt photos     We know that these updates have gotten to be further and further apart.  Partially, because we do not have a big exciting update, and partially because we hope that by waiting a little longer each time we will finally have big exciting news to share with you all.  Right now, there is no big exciting news.  We have been with the agency for over a year and our profile will have been up a year in May.  Every month our profile continues to go out to roughly 10 new potential birthmoms.  However, apparently the time has not yet come for us to connect with our baby.  (According to Annie's parents, it is because we are going to get twins and they have not come along yet!)  So at this point we continue to wait (mostly patiently) and pray for all the women who are looking at adoption for this child, and praying for the child (or children) that will be welcomed into our family. 
Image result for waiting to adopt photos     In January we were contacted with information on a birthmom who was interested in us.  We spoke with her for a few days, but ultimately she decided that adoption was not right for her child.  That week we experienced a lot of emotions, the joy of a potential connection and the sorrow of knowing that this situation was not the one intended for us.  We have persevered with prayer, prayer for our family, and prayer for this young mom and her new baby, that they will be happy and healthy.     
     A year ago when we began this adventure, we never really thought that we would be a year out without a connection.  Truly, we thought this process would move a little quicker.  This year has proven once again that we are not in control, and we need to put our trust in God.  So now, we continue to practice the virtue of patience, as tough as it is.  At this point we need to renew our homestudy for another year and continue to be ready to jump when our phone rings.  Thank you for all of your ongoing prayers and support.  If you would like to contribute financially to our adoption, please visit our site.